Utility of Dairy Products and Potency of Veterinary Ayurveda- The Ancient Medical System of India-Juniper Publishers

Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers Introduction Ayurveda being an ancient comprehensive science of holistic health care and medicine, apart from eight specialties for human health has mentioned other branches of Ayurveda like Gau-ayurveda (related to cattle), Hasty-ayurveda (related to elephant), Asva-ayurveda (related to horses), Mrig-ayurveda (related to animals), Khag-ayurveda (related to birds), Vrikshya- ayurveda (related to plants) etc. These Ayurvedic sciences were very much enriched with literature and were in practices. In the time span most of the literature and practices are almost lost and very meager are existing in some rural and tribal areas. The human health is dependent on animal health; if animal products are not up to the quality or diseased, that will affect human health. This is true for both Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian categories. It is observed that the regular or long term use of chem...