
Showing posts from April, 2021

Estrus and Estrus Behaviour and their Effect on Conception Rate in Crossbred Cows of Temperate Region of India-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF DAIRY & VETERINARY SCIENCES   Abstract A total of 758 apparently healthy cattle represented in the nearby villages of the Faculty clinics and were also brought for insemination to the clinics was used to study behavioral and physical signs of estrus, diurnal variations in the occurrence of estrus and the effect of estrus intensity on conception rate (CR). Bellowing (92.67%) and restlessness/aggressiveness (90.22%) were found as most appreciable behavioral signs while, most appreciable physical signs of estrus recorded were tonicity of uterus (100%), hyperemia of vulva (94.67%) and relaxation of OS-cervix (89.17%). Significantly lower number of animals (13.18%) showed estrus in winter as compared to other seasons. Diurnal variation in the occurrence of estrus in different months and season of the year was found non-significant. Irrespective of the seasons maximum number of animals showed estrus, during 12 noon to 6 pm. O...

Investigation & Control of Camel Diseases and Folk Anomalies in North & South Punjab of Pakistan-Juniper Publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF DAIRY & VETERINARY SCIENCES   Introduction In Pakistan, camels are mainly kept by the inhabitants of deserts, mountainous regions, irrigated plains, and nomadic pastoralists in subsistence production systems of the arid and semi-arid regions Iqbal, et al. [ 1 ], Jasra & Isani [ 2 ], Khan, et al. [ 3 ], Ahmad, et al. [ 4 ], Samara, et al. [ 5 ], Pasha et al. [ 6 ]. There are about 0.328 million households linked one way or the other with camel production in Pakistan Anonymous [ 7 ]. Camel can survive and reproduce under a management system with low inputs, harsh environmental conditions and difficult landscapes in arid and semi-arid regions where survival of other animals is usually at risk Schwartz [ 8 ]. In addition to being a pack and draft animal, the camel is a good source of milk, meat and hides for the residents of the extreme desert areas. The camel milk is sold in small quantities and is also given away or sh...