Climate Change and Local Mitigating Strategies that the Livestock Holders have Adopted in Nepal-Juniper Publishers
JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF DAIRY & VETERINARY SCIENCES Abstract Livestock is a major source of income, food security, transportation, and manure for the peoples of this region for fulfilling multiple economic, social and risk management of the family. The impact of climate change is expected to heighten the vulnerability of livestock systems and trigger the livestock holders to chronic poverty. Tools like Focal group discussion and key informant interview was done. Some of the locally adopted measures to mitigate with changing climate were changing feeding pattern, planting forage and fodder trees, renovation of the sheds, proper vaccination, deworming and dipping of animals to prevent disease and parasites and conservation of pasture and local breeds. Keywords: Food security; Renovation; Feeding pattern; Vaccination; Conservation. Abbreviations: FGD: Focal Group Discussion; FMD: Foot and Mouth Disease; PPR: PesteDes Petits Ruminants; KII: Key Inf...