Probiotics Role in Control of Avian Coccidiosis-Juniper Publishers
JUNIPER PUBLISHERS - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF DAIRY & VETERINARY SCIENCES Abstract Cereal products fermented by lactic acid bacteria are documented first in Egypt and Iraq during 2000-3000 B.C. These are one of the oldest fermented foods. In 1907, Elie Metcnikoff was the first scientist who not only observe but also put forward the scientific basics of fermentation. Then to explore gut bacteria intensive researches were made in late 1940s. In 2006 FAO and WHO give the complete definition of probiotics, living microbes beneficial for health provided in feed. For treatment of Coccidiosis probiotic combinations of different microbes such as Lactobacillus, Bifidibacterium and Streptococcus are used now a day. Coccidiosis, a parasitic disease mainly of poultry sector, caused by Eimeria specie’s. Coccidiosis causes serious damage to the intestinal epithelium resulting in diarrhea. This problem can be effectively controlled by the use of feed probiotics. Keyword...