Report on Isolation and Identification of Brucella Abortus from Aborted Foetus and Lymph Nodes of Beef Cattle in Malaysia- Juniper Publishers

Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers Abstract Isolation of living brucellae from tissues or organs such as aborted foetus and lymph nodes has traditionally provided the most accurate method for the detection of Brucella infection. The inoculated medium was incubated at 37 °C for 7 days with 10% CO2. Bacterial colonies growth on the agar was examined. The bacterial cells were stained with Gram-staining and Modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining methods and later were examined under microscope to determine their cell morphology. Biochemical tests were performed to complete the phenotypic and metabolic characterisation of the isolates. Brucella abortus were isolated from stomach content, lung and cotyledon of the aborted foetus; and supramammary and internal iliac lymph nodes of aborted cattle. Histopathological examination of lymph nodes found the infiltrations of microphages, neutrophils and giant cells with vacuolated and engorged macrophages s...