The Ethogram: Quantifying the Behavioral Picture and Justifying the Severity of Diseases-Juniper Publishers

Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences- Juniper Publishers



Ethogram is an expression of behavior in an objective rather than subjective way [1,2]. The digital value for a prepared ethogram is considered acute edge for different forms of a specific disease (from per-acuteness to chronicity). This opinion is focusing on the necessity of preparing an ethogram for the behavior of animal and birds in health (e.g. comfort behaviors) and diseases [2]. We will emphasize the customized ethogram in experimentally-induced infected animal or natural diseases or affections. In addition, ethogram can be used in detection of different forms of abnormal behaviors such as stereo types [3].
Many reports referredto several diseasesthat can be diagnosed by their behavioral picture e.g. Milk fever, Nymphomania [4]. We characterized the range of observed behaviors. The best way to generalize is to summarize the average of behaviors from many individual. So selecting small sized animals like laboratory mice will be helpful to observe a number of individuals. Here in we show in Table 1, an ethogram customized in chronically order for mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii [5,6]. In Table 2 we describe the severity of inflammation in terms of consistency and content of droppings in a chicken received an enema of trinitrobenzene of sulphonic acid [7]. In Table 3 display the behavioral picture due to unilateral or bilateral pressing of the horn on the head of rams and bucks [8].


Customizing ethograms for diseases based on clinical examination manuals for farm animals e.g. Infectious diseases in laboratory animals or for diseases models in laboratory animals (e.g. Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis etc.) based on published articles and standard protocols, and laboratories manuals

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