Effects of Prolonged Consumption of Water with Elevated Nitrate Levels on Certain Blood Serum Trace and Macro Elements of Dairy Cattle and Use of Clinoptilolite for their Amelioration - Juniper Publishers

Effects of Prolonged Consumption of Water with Elevated Nitrate Levels on Certain Blood Serum Trace and Macro Elements of Dairy Cattle and Use of Clinoptilolite for their Amelioration

Authored by Katsoulos PD

Elevated levels of nitrates in feed and water can pose a significant risk for dairy cattle, due to their cumulative action. The effect of prolonged consumption of water naturally contaminated with nitrates on the serum concentrations of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) was investigated at the present study. Concurrently, it was evaluated whether the combination of in-feed inclusion of clinoptilolite and of consumption of water naturally contaminated with nitrates, could have any effect on these elements. Two experiments were run simultaneously in two farms each. In the first trial (Trial 1), farm 1 and farm 2 were assigned into two groups according to the nitrate levels in the borehole water. The first group (nitrate group; NG) consisted of the farm 1that had nitrate levels >40 ppm and the second one (control group; CG) of the farm 2 that had water nitrate levels <40 ppm. Similarly, in the second trial (Trial 2) the first group (nitrate – clinoptilolite group; NC) consisted of the farm 3 that had nitrate levels >40p pm and used clinoptilolite as feed additive at the rate of 2.5% of concentrates. The second one (control group; CCG) consisted of the farm 4that had water nitrate levels <40 p pm and did not incorporate clinoptilolite in the ration. The results indicate that the prolonged consumption of water with increased nitrate levels either alone or in combination with clinoptilolite feeding does not have any adverse effects on the serum concentrations of the macro and trace elements evaluated in dairy cattle.

 To Readmore..Fulltext in Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences in Juniper Publishers



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