Emergency Decapitation of Calf in Hf Cows - Juniper Publishers

Emergency Decapitation of Calf in Hf Cows

Authored by Pridhvidhar Reddy YV 

The present communication explicates the dystocia in three cross bred heifers owing to malposture and relatively large sized fetus. The malposture was instigated by severe left lateral deviation of head and neck of the fetus. Emergency decapitation was done in all the cases and it was successfully handled without any post-operative complications. Dystocia is defined as delayed or difficult calving, sometimes requiring significant human assistance. The causes of dystocia have been described from a number perspectives based on a analysis of large number of calving records in dairy and beef cows [1]. Fetopelvic disproportion is the foremost cause of dystocia in cross bred heifers [2]. It requires caesarean section for the fetal delivery by virtue of its inability to deliver the fetus through the narrow birth canal of normal size [3]. The present communication envisage the correction and management of fetal malposture characterized by left lateral deviation of head and neck which was subsequently rectified by manual repulsion in conjunction with emergence decapitation without any post-operative complications at field level.

To Readmore..Fulltext in Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences in Juniper Publishers

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