The Ethogram: Quantifying the Behavioral Picture and Justifying the Severity of Diseases-Juniper Publishers
Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers Introduction Ethogram is an expression of behavior in an objective rather than subjective way [ 1 , 2 ]. The digital value for a prepared ethogram is considered acute edge for different forms of a specific disease (from per-acuteness to chronicity). This opinion is focusing on the necessity of preparing an ethogram for the behavior of animal and birds in health (e.g. comfort behaviors) and diseases [ 2 ]. We will emphasize the customized ethogram in experimentally-induced infected animal or natural diseases or affections. In addition, ethogram can be used in detection of different forms of abnormal behaviors such as stereo types [ 3 ]. Many reports referredto several diseasesthat can be diagnosed by their behavioral picture e.g. Milk fever, Nymphomania [ 4 ]. We characterized the range of observed behaviors. The best way to generalize is to summarize the average of beha...
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