Dairy Trade in Ethiopia: Current Scenario and Way Forward-Review- Juniper Publishers
Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences- Juniper Publishers
This review is concern on dairy trade in Ethiopia,
current scenario and way forwards for enhancing dairy investment of
Ethiopia. Consumers in Ethiopia come to be through formal and informal
marketing system. The country spent over 678.75 million birrs to import
various products of milk from 2006-2010 and the expenditure for powdered
milk accounted for 79.6%, followed by cream, 12.9% and cheese 4.3%.
Milk and its products market have changed significantly with strong
global growth stemming in from the presence of evermore consumers in
developing countries. To achieve the demand of milk and milk products in
Ethiopia, it should be improve the genetic potential of dairy
animal/cow- this could be through put in on genetic improvement on dairy
animals, encouraging forage and fodder production and trade, establish
agro-processing oil crops and use of by-products for animal feed,
improving the productive, reproductive and weight gain performance of
crossbreds, through enhanced provision of animal health services and
better feed.
Keywords: Dairy Trade; Development policy; Milk market
WTO: World Trade Organization; DDA: Dairy Development Agency; NFDM:
Nonfat Dry Milk; DDE: Dairy Development Enterprise; DMY: Daily Milk
Yield; WMP: Whole Milk Powder; SMP: Skim Milk Powder; GATT: General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade negotiations; LOD: Limit Of
Determination; HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point; DDMP:
Dairy Development Master Plan; ADLI: Agriculture Development Led
Industrialization; PRSP: Poverty Reduction Strategy Program; FSS: Food
Security Strategy; RDPS: Rural Development Policy and Strategies; CBSP:
Capacity Building Strategy and Program; AMS: Agricultural Marketing
Strategies; IFD: Improved Family Dairy; BDS: Business Development

World trade in dairy products has grown in recent
decades at rates that generally exceed demand growth in developed
countries which produce most the world’s dairy products [1]. In the
world total milk production and trade is 816.0 and 73.2 million tones,
respectively [2] (Figure 1). Milk and dairy products market have changed
significantly with strong global growth stemming from the presence of
evermore consumers in developing countries. The
statistics showed a process of industrialization in the dairy chain
with the marked presence of large national companies developing
on the international scene and which also tend to concentrate
the market [3]. Total world dairy exports grew by 4.6% per year
on a milk equivalent basis during 2010–2014 [1] and the milk
production also grew up 2.4% in 2014 a rate like previous years
reaching 792 million tons. This is related with a favorable milk
production outlook in most of the major exporting countries and
continuous strong demand [4].
Ethiopia has one of the largest livestock inventories in Africa
with a national herd estimated cattle population in Ethiopia is
about 57.83 million, 28.04 million sheep, 28.61 million goats, 1.23
million camel and 60.51 million poultry. Out of 57.83 million cattle
the female cattle constitute about 55.38% (32.0 million) and the
remaining 44.55% (25.8 million) are male cattle. From the total
cattle in the country 98.59% (57.01million) are local breeds and
remaining are hybrid and exotic breeds that accounted for about
1.19% (706,793) and 0.14% (109,733), respectively [5]. Ethiopia
holds large potential for dairy development particularly Ethiopian
highlands possess a high potential for with diverse topographic
and climatic conditions favorable for dairying [6]. Smallholder
dairy farms in Ethiopia particularly in regional and zonal cities
are alarmingly increasing because of high demand of milk and
milk product from resident. However, the existing farming system
which holds maximum of 10 or 15 cows per individual is not
satisfactory to fulfill the demand. In addition, farming system
has a major problem with regards to feed source, feed supply
and the amount given per animal below the minimum standard,
which entails in reduction in production and reproduction in the
farms [7]. Livestock play a vital role in economic development;
particularly as societies evolve from subsistence agriculture
into cash-based economies [8]. Livestock in Ethiopia perform
important functions in the livelihoods of farm owners, pastoralists
and agro-pastoralists.
Dairy products in Ethiopia are channeled to consumers
through formal and informal marketing systems [9]. The formal
marketing system appeared to be expanding during the last
decade with private farms entering the dairy processing. The
informal market directly delivers dairy products by producers to
consumer (immediate neighborhood or sales to itinerant traders
or individuals in nearby towns). Generally, the low marketability
of milk and milk products pose limitations on possibilities of
exploring distant but rewarding markets. Therefore, improving
position of dairy farmers to actively engage in markets and improve
traditional processing techniques are important dairy value chain
challenges of the country [10]. To develop dairy production
system of Ethiopia, dairy supply and marketing system needs
to undertake radical changes. To get access to distant markets
farmers need to link up with manufacturers able to extend the
shelf-life of farmers’ supply, as well as with traders and retailers,
which can ensure a capillary distribution of final products. In
short, dairy products cannot be expected to flow across Ethiopia
unless a supply chain, bridging rural supply and urban demand
is in place [6]. The country has not supplied the demand of milk
and milk products because of different problem. To solve the
problem or to increase the production of milk it should be focused
on the policy and trade. Therefore, the objective of this review is
to discuss on dairy trade in Ethiopia, current scenario and way
forwards for enhancing dairy investment of Ethiopia.
Dairy Trade Development in World

Global dairy consumption has been on the rise steadily since
2005 except for 2009 and 2015. Trade in a large quantity (46%)
of milk is informal [11] through short supply chains, and even
with the formal trade most milk does not cross currency borders.
The main reason dairy trade fell in 2009 was due to the global
financial crisis. In 2015, dairy trade dropped by weaker demand
for dairy commodities. The export subsidies received by European
Union’s dairy farmers from their government contributed to lower international dairy prices and a weaker demand for dairy
commodities (Figure 2). The increase in Europe’s dairy production
grew faster than consumption. Dairy imports grew in value from
$15 billion in 2005 to $43.2 billion in 2014, a 187% increase in
US dollars. Similarly, global dairy exports expanded 175% in value
from 2005 to 2014. The leading dairy importers from 2005 to 2009
were the United States, Mexico, Japan, Russia, and the European
Union-28. From 2010 to 2015, the situation changed as China
emerged as the world’s largest dairy importer followed by Russia,
the US, Mexico, and Japan. Although the demographic landscapes
of dairy consumption are changing globally, the major suppliers
of dairy commodities have remained relatively unchanged from
2005 to 2015. New Zealand is the world’s largest dairy exporter
in terms of volume. The four top global dairy exporters during the
observed period based on value are the EU–28, New Zealand, the
US, and Australia [12].
Over the last decade, interest in global dairy trade has
intensified partially because of the enormous impact that domestic
and international policies have had or are projected to have on the
global trade and domestic supply. One significant example in the
negotiations is the proposal made by the world trade organization
(WTO) during the Nairobi ministerial in December 2015 in
effort to help stabilize world dairy prices by eliminating export
subsidies over the next four years. While many dairy commodities
are traded internationally, some of the largest global exchanges
involve cheese, nonfat dry milk (including skim dry milk), whey,
and butter. In 2015 these four commodities accounted for 50% of
the total value of global dairy imports. Of all the dairy commodities
imported globally in 2015, cheese accounted for 24% of the total
value [13].
Global dairy demand is estimated at approximately 15 million
tons of product annually. The top 5 are China, Russia, Mexico, Japan
and the USA. The US is the only major importer that is also a major
net exporter. China imports ~2 million tons of dairy products
annually, Russia ~1.4 million tons, Mexico and Japan over 500
thousand tons each. In addition, the US, Indonesia, Philippines,
Saudi Arabia and Algeria import over 400 thousand tons and
Singapore, Iraq, Malaysia, Venezuela and UAE importing over
300 thousand tons annually. Ethiopia exported an amount less
than 300,000 USD per annum during the last five years. Majority
of the export destined to Somalia and traditional spiced butter
export for Ethiopian community and other consumers to USA
and other countries. With the expansion of the sector the volume
exported to Somalia can be increased and to other destinations
like Sudan, South Sudan and Djibouti can be expanded. Nonfat dry
milk (NFDM) was the second largest (in value) dairy commodity
imported making up 11% of the world’s total dairy imports in
2015. The import value of NFDM grew by 96% from 2010 to 2014
and the top importers in 2015 included Mexico, China, Indonesia,
and Malaysia. Whey and butter were the third and fourth largest
dairy commodities imported, respectively. Both whey and
butter balanced out at 7% of the total value of dairy imported
in 2015. Over the five-year span from 2010 to 2014 the value of
global imports of whey and butter increased by 81% and 62%,
respectively. The world’s leading importers of whey are China, the
US, and Indonesia, while Russia, Iran, and China are the leading
importers of butter [14].
Dairy Production Development History in Ethiopia
Before started formal dairy production in early 1950s, dairy
production in Ethiopia in the first half of 20th century was mostly
traditional [2]. In 1947 the country has received 300 Friesian and
Brown Swiss dairy cattle as a donation from the United Nations
Relief and Rehabilitation Administration [15] to attempt the
modern dairy production. With the introduction of these cattle in
the country, commercial liquid milk production started on large
farms in Addis Ababa and Asmera [16] and a small milk processing
plant was established in Addis Ababa to support commercial dairy
production [17]. During the second half of 1960s, dairy production
around Addis Ababa began to develop rapidly due to demand
and large private dairy farms and collection of milk from dairy
farmers [2]. In 1971 Government established dairy development
agency (DDA) to control and organize the collection, processing
and distribution of locally produced milk, and facilitated the
creation of dairy cooperatives to ease the provision of credit
and technical and extension service to dairy producers [6].
Distribution of exotic dairy cattle particularly Holstein Friesian
was done through government owned large-scale production such
as WADU, ARDU and CADU. These units produced and distributed
crossbred heifers, provided AI services and animal health service,
in addition to forage production and marketing [18]. To establish
the dairy development enterprise (DDE) numerous nationalized
dairy farms (include large dairy farms, milk collection networks,
and a processing plant) was merged in 1979 [17]. Distribution of
exotic dairy cattle particularly Holstein Friesian was done through
government owned large-scale production such as WADU, ARDU
and CADU. These units produced and distributed crossbred
heifers, provided AI services and animal health service, in addition
to forage production and marketing [18]. The development
of dairy sub sector is the shared effort of all stakeholders that
explicitly and implicitly participate in the different activities of
dairy development [19].
Currently, to bring market-oriented economic system, private
sector begun to enter the dairy sector and market as an important
actor the country’s policy reform. Many private investors have
established small and large dairy farms. This commercial farm use
grade and crossbred animals that have the potential to produce
1120-2500 litres over 279-day lactation. This production system
is now expanding in the highlands among mixed crop-livestock
farmers, such as those found in Selale, Ada’a and Holetta, and serves
as the major milk supplier to the urban market. Additionally, some
ten private investors and one cooperative union have established
milk-processing plants to supply fresh processed milk and dairy
products to Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa and Dessie towns. Most
interventions during this period was focused on urban-based
production and marketing. During the second half of the 1960s
dairy production in the Addis Ababa area began to develop rapidly
because of the expansion in large private dairy farms and the
participation of smallholder producers [6].
Dairy Production Systems in Ethiopia
Dairy production is practiced almost all over Ethiopia
involving a vast number of small subsistence and marketoriented
farms [20,21], and is being practiced as an integral part
of agricultural activities in Ethiopia since a time of immemorial.
There are different types of milk production systems identified
based on various criteria [22]. Based on climate, land holdings and
integration with crop production as criterion, the dairy production
system classified as rural (pastoralism, agro-pastoralism and
highland mixed smallholder), peri-urban and urban [9,20,21,23].
The dairy sector in Ethiopia can also be categorized based on
market-orientation, scale, and production intensity into three
major production systems: traditional smallholder, private/ stateowned
commercial4, and urban/ peri-urban [6].
Smallholder and commercial dairy farms are emerging mainly
in the urban and peri-urban areas are located near or in proximity
of Addis Ababa and regional towns and take the advantage of
the urban markets. Urban dairy production system includes
specialized, state and businessmen owned farms, but owners have
no access to grazing land [24-26] and most Regional towns and
Woredas [27]. Urban milk system in Addis Ababa consists of 5167
small, medium and large dairy farms producing 34.65 million
liters of milk annually. Of the total urban milk production, 73% is
sold, 10% is left for household consumption, 9.4% is fed to calves
(excluding the amount directly suckled by the calves) and 7.6% is
processed into butter and cottage cheese. In terms of marketing,
71% of the producers sell milk directly to consumers and the rest
reaches to the consumers through intermediaries.
Peri-urban milk production system possesses animal types
ranging from 50% crosses to the high-grade Friesian in small
to medium-sized farms. The peri-urban milk system includes
smallholder and commercial dairy farm owners in the proximity
of Addis Ababa and other Regional towns. This sector owns most
of the country`s improved dairy stock. The main source of feed is
both homes produced or purchased hay; and the primary objective
is to get additional cash income from milk sale. This production
system is now expanding in the highlands among mixed croplivestock
farm owners such as those found in Selale and Holetta
and serves as the major milk supplier to the urban market [28].
The rural system is non-market oriented and most of the milk
produced in this system is retained for home consumption
and usually marketed through the informal market after the
households satisfy their needs.
Milk Yield and Consumption Pattern
Most dairy products in the world are consumed in the region or
country in which they are produced because of milk and its various
derivatives are highly perishable products [29]. The estimate of
total cow milk production for the rural sedentary areas of Ethiopia
is about 3.06 billion liters [5]. The average daily milk yield (DMY)
performances of indigenous cows in PLWs was 1.85 litres/day and
ranged from 1.24 liters in rural lowland agro-pastoral system of
Mieso to 2.31 litres in rural highland dairy production system of
Fogera [30]. For hybrid cows, milk production per day per cow of
8 to 10 liters while their hybrid cow’s milk production per day is
11 to 15 liters [31]. In addition, the overall mean daily milk yield
per liter per cow in western Oromiya were 2.2 ±0.6 and 6.5 ±1.6
for local and dairy breed [32]. Moreover, average daily milk yield
of cross bred and local cows in Sululta were 9.56 ± 3.010 and
1.809 ± 0.4574 liter/day respectively. Moreover, the milk yield for
crossbred and local cows in Wolmera areas were 8.60 ± 2.703 and
1.96 ± 0.8193 liters/day, respectively [33].
Currently Ethiopia’s milk consumption is only 19 liters per
person 10% of Sudan’s and 20% of Kenya’s – but urbanization is
driving up consumption per capita consumption in Addis Ababa
is 52 liters per person [34]. The average expenditure on milk
and products by Ethiopian household’s accounts for only 4% of
the total household food budget. According to CSA [5] reported,
from the total annual milk production, 42.38% used for household
consumption, 6.12% sold, only 0.33% used for wages in kind and
the rest 51.17% used for other purposes (could be to produce
butter, cheese, and the likes). In rural area 59% and 41% of dairy
farmers in Ada’a district, east Shawa zone sold raw milk through
informal and formal milk marketing channels, respectively [35],
but the finding of Valk & Tessema [36] is 98% of milk produced
in rural area sold through informal chain whereas only 2% of
the milk produced reached the final consumers through formal
chain. According to Geleti & Eyassu [37,38] reported, there is no
well-organized milk marketing system in Nekemte and Bako milk
shed, and Dire Dawa. Dairy co-operatives and milk groups have
facilitated the participation of smallholders in fluid milk markets
in the Ethiopian highlands.
In Ethiopia, most consumers prefer unprocessed fluid milk
due to its natural flavor (high fat content), availability, taste
and lower price. Milk consumption in Ethiopia shows that most
consumers prefer purchasing of raw milk because of its natural
flavor (high fat content), availability and lower price. Ethiopians
consume fewer dairy products than other African countries and
far less than the world consumption. The present national average
capita consumption of milk is much lower, 19kg/year as compared
to 27kg for other African countries and 100kg to the world per
capita consumption [39]. The recommended per capita milk
consumption is 200 l/y. The consumption in Addis Ababa is very
high (51.85 litres) as compared to the national and other towns.
Indian milk production grew by 4.5%, Pakistan by 1.8%, Germany
by 1.2%, and the USA by 1.1%. Brazil’s milk production decreased
by 2.8% and New Zealand by 1.3% [40]. Generally, the demand
for milk and milk products is higher in urban areas where there
is high population pressure. The increasing trend of urbanization
and population growth leads to the appearance and expansion of
specialized medium-to-large scale dairy enterprises that collect,
pasteurize, pack and distribute milk to consumers in different
parts of the country [41].
Domestic and Export Market of Milk and Milk Product
Milk is channeled to consumers through formal and informal
marketing systems [42]. The informal market involves direct delivery of milk by farmers to individual consumers in immediate
neighborhood and sales to travelling traders or individuals in
nearby towns. In informal market, milk may pass from producers
to consumers directly or it may pass through two or more market
agents. Ethiopia is not known to export dairy products; however,
some insignificant quantities of milk and butter are exported to
a few countries. Butter is mainly exported to Djibouti and South
Africa (targeting the Ethiopians in Diaspora), while milk is solely
exported to Somalia from the South Eastern Region of the country.
As indicated by small quantities of cream are exported to Djibouti
from Dire Dawa. The choice of targeting either domestic or export
markets in the process of smallholder commercialization is
basically linked to the nature of the targeted commodities [43].
For countries with large population size, domestic markets could
also be a major market target due to higher domestic demand for
both staples and high-value commodities [44]. In targeting the
export market for the process of smallholder commercialization
the issue of product quality, sanitary and phytosanitary standards,
timely and regular supply, and volume need to be given emphasis
in enabling the small-scale farmers to be part of the game [45].
The country spent over 678.75 million birrs to import various
products of milk from 2006-2010. Expenditure on powdered
milk accounted for 79.6%, followed by cream, 12.9% and cheese
4.3% [46]. With Ethiopia already spending approximately $10
million annually in foreign powdered milk imports, there is a huge
opportunity for domestic UHT production to disrupt the current
market. Investment size A $10-11 million greenfield investment
would create a UHT plant with the largest processing capacity in
the Ethiopian market Capacity 10,000 liters/hour (80,000 liters/
day, 24 million liters/year employment 500-600 employees
estimated return IRR of 25-35% over 5 years.
International Market (Import Vs Export) in Milk and Milk Products
Only about 66.5 million tons or 8.3% of total world dairy
production is traded internationally, excluding intra-EU trade.
Dairy trade volumes increased by 6% from 2013 to 2014 compared
to 2% growth between 2012 and 2013. International prices of
all dairy products continued to decline from their 2013 peak for
skim milk powder (SMP) and whole milk powder (WMP). A key
factor was the decline in Chinese import demand, with demand
for WMP dropping by 34% from 2014 levels. This decrease in
Chinese demand for dairy products was coupled with continued
production growth between 2014 and 2015 in key export markets,
with total output of milk increasing in Australia (4%), European
Union (2%), New Zealand (5%) and United States (1%) [47]. At
global level demand for milk and milk products in developing
countries is growing with rising incomes, population growth,
urbanization and changes in diets. This trend is pronounced in
East and Southeast Asia, particularly in highly populated countries
such as China, Indonesia and Vietnam. The growing demand for
milk and milk products offers a good opportunity for producers
(and other actors in the dairy chain) in high-potential, peri-urban
areas to enhance their livelihoods through increased production.
Global milk production is estimated at approximately 735 billion
litres annually.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade negotiations (GATT),
followed by those of the world trade organization (WTO) changed
in the sense of liberating trade from all public intervention. A
structural change in the shape and form of the main exporters
and importers has taken place on the international dairy scene
following this freeing-up of the market. International trade in milk
and dairy products has exhibited quite large fluctuations over the
last few decades, resulting in changes to public policies in western
countries and their decisions stop subsidizing products. Significant
growth in exports as well as imports of fresh drinking milk
(whole and/or skimmed), milk powder (whole and/or skimmed),
condensed whole milk and evaporated milk between 1960 and
2010. The European Union accounts for the largest share in total
volume of exported and imported milk, even though its average
annual rate of growth over the 25 years studied was just 0.25%.
Worldwide new EU members, Oceania and Latin America have
increased their share of total exported volumes. Milk production
in 2015 was 6.4% higher than in 2014. In 2015 South Africa
imported 69 354 t of dairy products, up 72.5% on the same period
the previous year, and exported 61 296 t of dairy products, 13.8%
down on 2014. International dairy product prices continued the
extreme volatility and downward trend experienced since 2014
Technological developments in refrigeration and transportation
only 7% of the milk produced are traded internationally if intra-
EU trade is excluded. Trade in dairy products is very volatile as
dairy trade flows can be affected by overall economic a situation
in a country fluctuation in supply and demand, changing exchange
rates and political measures. With demand for dairy products
most rapidly rising in regions that are not self-sufficient in milk
production, volumes of dairy trade are growing. Also, the share of
global dairy production that is traded will increase as trade will
grow at a faster pace than milk production. The developed countries
account for 62 percent of the world’s dairy imports (measured
in milk equivalents) and 93% of the exports, showing clearly
that the major part of the global dairy trade takes place among
developed countries [49].
International trade requirements for dairy
The international market for dairy products currently
far from having a single multinational processing firm [50].
Milk is perishable nature of dairy products, hygienic measures
including heat treatment and cold storage are required to prevent
hazardous bacterial contamination. By subjecting veterinary
drugs and pesticides to strict authorization requirements,
undesirable residue accumulation in dairy products is minimized.
Other residues or contaminants, including diverse persistent
environmental pollutants can accumulate in milk fat. Ensuring
low levels of such pollutants in milk products requires adequate
environmental protection. In the case of residues and contaminants
that may constitute a danger to public health, regulations will set
the maximum residue levels that are permitted in foodstuffs [51].
Especially in developing countries, but not exclusively there, it can
be very difficult for farmers to meet private standards for milk
quality and safety which might require investment in mechanical
milking, on farm cooling, new feeds and genetic improvement.
Apart from the initial investment cost a dairy farmer faces to meet
those standards, also high operating costs might render small and
even medium-scale units unprofitable in the long run.
There is different sanitary regulation apply both to dairy
products and to the production processes. Regulation, which
can be a mix of international recommendations and national
legislation, is often dynamic. Regulation often is reactive:
outbreaks of BSE in the UK and the associated fatalities of variant
CJD in humans were followed by increased regulation of livestock
products. In addition, rules develop in response to new scientific
findings, albeit with a lag.
a. Sanitary product standards set targets for test results, and
generally are composed of a maximum level of pathogenic load or
contamination and the method for measurement. Micro bacterial
standards apply to the dairy product as well as the raw milk inputs
and are often measured by plate counts and cell counts. Tolerance
levels also apply to contaminants such as residues of antibiotics
or other veterinary medicine, mycotoxins and other ‘natural’
contaminants, or concentrations of food additives or pollution.
Tolerances are set based on toxicological and epidemiological data
that show effects on the health of humans and animals. The lower
bound of a tolerance level is set by the limit of determination
(LOD), which is the lowest possible concentration that can be
picked up in a test. Due to the continuous progress of science and
laboratory analyses, the LOD is continuously decreasing over time
and moving ever closer to zero.
b. Process standards are used as a benchmark to judge
whether a food has been produced in a manner to be fit for human
consumption or trade. There are various required practices
to ensure hygienic conditions of holdings and milk collection,
processing plants, storage, and transport. Often, hygiene
requirements demand a quality management scheme, such as
hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP). A second important
set of process standards applies to the health of the dairy cattle.
c. Conformity assessment is the provision of guarantees
that the processes of hazard monitoring and control in the export
firm are at least equivalent to those demanded by the importing
country. The importing country has three mechanisms for
enforcing that dairy shipments indeed meet its legal requirements:
through certification, prior approval of handlers, and testing of the
Development Policy and Strategy
The current rural development policy and strategy of the
country has some provisions indicating general direction for
livestock development. Dairy Development Master Plan (DDMP)
was formulated in 2002 to guide the sub-sector development and
has been implemented since then across the regions. The DDMP
highlights input and output targets but fails short of indicating
roadmap and providing guidelines and principles to inform
actual policy implementation on the ground. The uniqueness
of each area means policy and development interventions must
be customized. Whilst general guidelines and principles can be
designed at national level, it is neither possible nor appropriate
to design a master plan and implement throughout the country,
or even throughout a province. Improving economic incentives to
encourage innovations; pursuing value chain approach; providing
public support to private sector development and private-public
partnership; engaging in a holistic approach to technological
innovations for increasing supply response; formulating policy and
strategy to guide the sub-sector development, and strengthening
capacity in local innovation systems with milk value chain
perspective as strategic options for consideration by the relevant
actors and stakeholders [52].
Trends in Development of the Dairy Sector in Ethiopia
Global milk production has been strong over the last several
years leading to expanded growth in trade in most years with
a sudden drop off in 2015. For example, from 2005 to 2013,
the world milk production increased more than 16% [53]. An
average of 594.4 million metric tons of cow milk was produced
throughout the world over the observed nine-year period. The
six major milk suppliers, the EU–28, the US, India, China, Russia,
and Brazil accounted for more than 80% of the world’s cow milk
production during the last four years EU–28 is the world’s largest
milk producer, the greatest growth in milk production among the
top six milk suppliers occurred in India and China. India’s cow
milk production grew 15.3% from 2012 to 2015, while China
production expanded by 15.1% Brazil milk production grew by
14.3%. Global dairy production is expected to continue to increase
soon as world GDP raises and consumers’ preferences for different
types of dairy products expand.
Opportunities and Challenges in Dairy Production Development in Ethiopia
Ethiopia holds large potential for dairy development due to
its large livestock population, urbanization, emerging middle class
consumer segments that are willing to embrace new products and
services, demand for and consumption of milk, positive economic
outlook, livestock genetic resources and production system,
expected to increase processed dairy products consumption
favorable climate for improved, export and foreign market
possibility (Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Djibouti are potential
foreign markets), indigenous knowledge, income generation and
employment, and the relatively disease-free environment for
livestock. In addition, the purchasing power increase, population
growth and consumer awareness will increase the demand
for quality, volume, graded and standardized products and
traceability of sources. Land O’ Lakes in 2010 showed that the top
10% earners in Addis Ababa consumed about 38% of milk, while
the lowest income group, approximately 61% of the population
consumed only 23%.
In Ethiopian the major constraints for dairy sector are
shortage of feed at the end of dry, land shortage for establish
improved forage, genetic limitation, limited access and high cost
of dairy heifers/cows absence of an operational breeding strategy
and policy, inadequate veterinary service provision, weak linkages
between research, extension service providers and technology
users, inadequate extension and training service, milk market
related constraints, reproductive problems, lack of research and
information exchange system, lack of education and consultation,
socio-economic challenges and limited availability of credit to the
dairy farmer.
Dairy marketing is a key constraint to dairy development
throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Marketing problems must be
addressed if dairying is to realize its full potential to provide food
and stimulate broad based agriculture and economic development.
Because dairy development is sources of employment since it
is labor intensive and associated with large incomes and price
elasticity of demand. There is also risk of price decrease to
suppliers related to dairy imports and food aid, and seasonal fall
in demand due to cultural conditions. Adulteration is also believed
to be a problem especially among the smallholders. Therefore, to
increase milk productivity, it is necessary to eliminate the limiting
factors and in turn exploit opportunities that could improve
productivity of milk [54].
Major Trade Barriers to Dairy Products
Milk and dairy products are considered high-risk goods in
production, consumption and trade. The risks, or perceived risks,
are that milk products pose threats to food safety and animal
health. As a result, dairy trade is subject to a considerable amount
of regulation to limit the transfer of risk. Whereas such sanitary
measures are generally applied for legitimate reasons, they can
also be used in a protectionist manner, and such tendencies might
increase with the further lowering of tariffs and expansion of tariff
rate quotas [55]. High tariffs effectively block certain markets for
exports or place severe restrictions through limited levels of quota
access, high trade restrictions, combined with domestic support
for dairy production, are common in the largest dairy markets
such as Canada, the US, the EU and Japan. These trade restrictions
are a key reason why only 7% of global dairy production is traded.
Trade in dairy is expected to increase due to the rising demand for
dairy products in emerging and developing markets.
Dairy Investment Policy Environment in Ethiopia (Figure 3)

The policy and regulatory environment influenced the
country’s dairy sector characterized as free market economic
system and the emergence of modern commercial dairying (1960
- 1974), socialist (Derg) regime that emphasized a centralized
economic system and state farms (1974 - 1991) and free market
and market liberalization (1991- present). The major goal of
livestock policy programmed is to increase smallholders’ returns
from investments in animal agriculture by providing them with
essential information on government policies in the sector and
developing appropriate policy and institutional options that will
help improve livestock productivity, asset accumulation, promote
sustainable use of natural resources and building capacity of
policy makers and analysts [56]. Investment in dairy cattle
breeds improvement in the MRS system through crossbreeding
using AI and synchronization. For the five-year GTP II period,
a total investment of ETB 148 million is needed to improve the
capacity of the AI centers and the related service, and the training
of AI technicians. The investment by the GoE to put in place the
AI and synchronization services for the intervention is only
ETB 148 million (very good leveraging by the GoE). Average
milk production per crossbred cow per day in small specialized
dairy increases from 10 to 12 litres (20% increase), in medium
specialized dairy increases from 16 to 19.2 litres (20% increase),
in small specialized dairy units increases from 2593 to 2746 litres
(6% increase) and in medium specialized dairy units increases
from 4608 to 5080 litres (10% increase) are the improvement
objective crossbred dairy cattle in specialized dairy with the
adoption of the interventions during the GTP II [57].
To meet the targets projected for 2020 government policy is important to create an environment conducive for innovation
and risk taking on the part of investors (Figure 4). Delgado [58]
identify four policy pillars for commercialization of smallholder

a. Remove market distortions
b. Building participatory institutions of collective actions
by small producers to facilitate their vertical integration
c. Increasing investment to improve productivity
d. Promoting effective regulatory institutions to deal
with public health and environmental concerns of livestock
Current Scenario and Way Forward
The prospects of dairying seem to be bright because government
is attempting them remedy through policies and strategies. Thus,
dairy farmers are on the way to getting access to services and
inputs that could help promote dairy production and productivity.
This mainly includes feed and feeding, breeding services,
credit, extension, training, veterinary services, and appropriate
marketing system that addresses consumers’ demands etc. Since
dairying is labor intensive, it promotes the motto of government
policy in creating employment opportunities at house hold level.
This improves employment, income and nutrition values of the
family of the producers and the other demanders/consumers.
The dairy industry would address and serve as one of the major
instruments of the governments’ policy in achieving food security.
This in turn promotes dairy production due to the attention of
given by the government [59-63]. According to the 2014 GDP per
capita statistics 0.4% of the population has consumption of 10-20
USD/day, 4.3% of the population 4-10 USD/day and 24.6% of the
population 2-4 USD/day per capita. With the increase in income,
it is expected that consumption pattern shifts to high value food
items that demands encouraging supply of livestock products.
The contribution of medium specialized dairy to GDP increases
from ETB 353 million in 2015 to ETB 751 million in 2020. Milk
trade in the dry lands, which is concentrated near towns, there
is greater involvement of poorer herders, especially women than
there generally is for live animal trade. However, opportunities for
dairy trade in the dry lands (especially commerce in cow milk and
butter) are limited mainly to urban and peri-urban areas where
consumers are available and distance to markets is minimal.
Livestock development is guided by the broad policies of the
government. These include the Agriculture Development Led
Industrialization (ADLI), Poverty Reduction Strategy Program
(PRSP), Food Security Strategy (FSS), Rural Development Policy
and Strategies (RDPS), Capacity Building Strategy and Program
(CBSP), Agricultural Marketing Strategies (AMS), foreign affairs
and security policy and strategy, the export strategy, and the draft
livestock breeding policy [64].
A future milk surplus could be realized through investment
in better genetics, feed and health services, improving both
traditional dairy farms and commercial-scale specialized dairy
production units. The investment interventions proposed to
improve cattle milk production and the value chain would
transform family dairy farms in the highland moisture enough
production zone from traditional to market-oriented improved
family dairy (IFD) systems. These proposed interventions would
also vastly increase the commercial-scale specialized dairy units as
well as improve milk production from indigenous (or local) cattle
breeds. Dairy co-operatives and Milk groups have facilitated the
participation of smallholder in fluid milk markets in the Ethiopian
highlands. Milk groups are a simple example of an agro-industrial
innovation, but they are only a necessary first step in the process
of developing more sophisticated co-operative organizations and
well-functioning dairy markets [65,66]. The survival of the milk
groups that supply inputs and process and market dairy products
will depend on their continued ability to capture value-added
dairy processing and return that value-added to their members.
Evidence from Kenya emphasizes the importance of milk
collection organizations in improving access to market and
expanding productive bases. On the other hand, there is a need to
stimulate consumption of dairy products in the country through
various mechanisms, including school milk programmed as
more consumption increase demand for dairy produce and can
potentially encourage production in the long run. By increasing
the number and productivity of cattle through improvements in
genetics, health and feeding, domestic cow milk production will
increase by about 93% by 2020, consumption demand will be
satisfied, and export of cow milk and milk products will begin.
The following points should be implemented to growth the
dairy trade
a. A clear understanding of potential market trends and
opportunities is needed for policy and planning in the dairy
b. Public policy-makers should engage constructively with
traditional markets to link them with formal modern industry.
c. Make investment in dairy co-operative development
effective and pro-poor should be well managed, placed outside
strong political forces and linked to strong demand.
d. There must be a link between agricultural research
and growth in dairy development. Investment in dairy
development through provision of appropriate credit and
research technologies to smallholder producers will bring
growth and shift producers towards greater commercial
orientation, increasing their demand for improved
technologies and innovations [67].
e. Imports and exports as well as macro policy and level of
openness of the economy, can play a consistent role in the pace
of dairy sector development. Import controls/ restrictions
which is not for purposes of enforcing Sanitary Requirements
and Food Safety Standards should be reduced or abolished.
By so doing the role of domestic market protection will be
relegated to ratification of dairy products.
f. Ethiopia dairy industry currently lacks some categories
of products in terms of variety, quality and quantity. These
include; cheeses, butter, milk powder, whey, yoghurts and ice
cream. The processors can seek ways to increase capacity and
invest aggressively in product development.
g. The performance of the few milk producing co-operatives
operating so far has shown that the quantity of locally produced
milk currently available to processors and consumers could be
increased significantly if effective collection (quality controlplatform,
chemical and microbiological) tests, transportation,
cooling and marketing systems are put in place.
h. Milk producers’ organizations should provide ‘support
services’ to increase clean milk production. An effective and
well-trained animal health service should be available at
any time to look after the health of animals, arrangements
should be made for regular vaccination and checking against
contagious diseases by the qualified veterinarians.
i. Formation of Dairy Board at national level and regional
level are important for the development of the dairy industry
[68]. Introduction of programs that will increase milk
consumption (e.g. introduction of school milk program) price
differentiation (i.e. premium price for high quality milk) are
important for increasing milk production and consumption.
j. Addressing milk quality concerns and transforming
the informal milk markets based on the concept of business
development services (BDS), and be supervised by national
regulatory authorities
k. As in many African countries, knowledge of hygiene is
often not enough. Thus, the most important support services
regarding clean milk production is “Extension –Education”.
Conclusion and Recommendation

Only about 66.5 million tons or 8.3% of total world dairy
production is traded internationally, excluding intra-EU trade.
Even if the demand is estimated 15 million tons of product
annually, 816.0 million tons milk produced and the traded was
73.2 million tons. Over the last decade interest in global dairy
trade has intensified partially because of the enormous impact
that domestic and international policies have had or are projected
to have on the global trade and domestic supply. In 2012-2016
Ethiopia imported more milk and milk products than exported
(Figures 5 & 6). Though dairy sector in Ethiopia has a challenge,
there are potential to development. Imports and exports as well
as macro policy and level of openness of the economy, can play a
consistent role in the pace of dairy sector development.
a. Should be develop marketing channels which can be
used to promote the milk producers and dairy value chain
actors, aware of the potential for increased production and
marketing of specific products
b. Should be encourage licensed traders and qualitybased
payments, strengthen the coordination between
union, primary cooperatives and farmers and improve the
c. Improve HACCP knowledge and skills and ensure milk
producers, processors, transporters, retainers and collectors.
d. Dairy plants (like collection center, bulk cooling,
transport, processing and distribution) should be organized
to enhance formal marketing/trade
e. Should be set a clear market trends and opportunities
policy and planning in the dairy sector
f. Strengthen investment in dairy co-operative
development effective and pro-poor should be well managed,
placed outside strong political forces and linked to strong
g. Should be encourage/develop quality control to increase
consumer knowledge and demand for specific products
h. Improve milk production efficiency can be important
through specific education and training
i. Improve milk production efficiency by investing high
dairy herd size and create free access for investors in larger
dairy farms with the best growth potential of livestock
selection service recording system and strengthening project
which supports investment and training in commercial dairy
j. Training should be provide by professional for
producers, dairy value chain actors, may include: skills and
know-how on marketing and branding products to identify
new opportunities at the dairy processing level; support
for research and development initiatives for new dairy
products; case studies and exposure to foreign experiences
might stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship at the dairy
processing level; a better understanding and a greater focus on
market-driven value chains; knowledge of the requirements of
food retailers is a precondition for the successful marketing
of their products, better knowledge about these requirements
may lead to opportunities for increased market participation;
developing intermediary support structures that bring
buyers and suppliers together is another initiative that can be
undertaken at local and national levels.
k. Should be build the trust within farm communities and
to improve awareness of the benefits of a more cooperative
approach in terms of bargaining power and marketing strategy.
l. Develop or improve the image of the dairy sector by
professionalizing the sector, to create better-quality jobs for
young, well-educated people, and professional farms and a
better marketing strategy for adding value, higher incomes
and a more attractive dairy sector. More emphasis must be
placed on a young and successful entrepreneur profile to
attract young people to the sector
Government should be fund for milk producers and investors
based on their project proposal
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