Determining the Cost-Effectiveness of Treating Dairy Cows with Subclinical Ketosis during the First Week of Lactation-Juniper Publishers
Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences- Juniper Publishers

Ketosis is a major metabolic disorder of dairy cattle
in the United States, affecting an estimated 40% of all lactations in
the industry, between clinical and subclinical cases [1].
Clinical ketosis is characterized by high levels of ketones in the
blood and is manifested by lethargy and anorexia in the peri-partum
dairy cow [2].
Subclinical ketosis (SCK) requires a blood, milk, or urine test to
diagnose. Even though it is not outwardly noticeable, it is still
estimated to cost the farmer $289/case due to both the direct and
indirect costs, especially with the loss in milk yield [3].
It has been shown that ketosis and negative energy balance have negative consequences on reproduction and immune function [4]. Subclinical ketosis is often defined as blood BHB concentrations of >1.2mM/L and < 3.0 mM/L [1]. McArt et al. [5] showed that PPG has merit as a treatment for SCK, but Carrier et al. [6]
revealed that a combination of treatments (PPG, dextrose,
dexamethasone, and niacin) is not always cost effective in the treatment
of SCK.
The objective of this study was to determine the cost
effectiveness of treating dairy cow's with SCK versus no treatment of
cows diagnosed with SCK. The treatment protocol was a combination of
250mL of 50% dextrose solution IV and 300mL PPG orally to cows with
blood BHB concentrations >1.2mM/L, a protocol often used for treating
clinical ketosis [7]
except that the dextrose was reduced in half for the SCK. We
hypothesized that it would be cost effective to treat SCK cows based on
revenues from milk alone.
Materials and Methods
This study was conducted on a 3,300 cow Holstein farm
in northwest Ohio during the 2014 summer. Cows were enrolled into an
experimental group at 4 DIM (4 d post-calving) when they received a
health check that was consistent with on-farm protocols. There was a
healthy and two groups with SCK for this trial with all cows being
multiparious. Randomly selected healthy cows (n=165) from the herd had
<1.2 mM/L BHB, appeared free from disease, and did not receive
treatment. Cows with SCK were randomly assigned to one of two treatment
groups. One group of cows (n=58) with SCK as defined by a BHB of 1.2 to
2.9 mM/L but appeared otherwise healthy received 250 mL 50% dextrose
solution intravenously on d 1 and 300mL PPG orally for 3 d (TRT).
Another group of cows (n=60) were SCK (same criteria
as TRT) and appeared otherwise healthy but did not receive the PPG and
dextrose (NTRT). Cows with >2.9 mM/L BHB or any other diseases
identified by the health check were not enrolled in the trial. Animals
were excluded at 4 DIM if they had lameness, mastitis, metritis with a
fever, milk fever, or displaced abomasums. Cows were milked 3 times
Blood samples were drawn from the tail vein/artery
and BCS (1= thin to 5=fat) were taken on cows at -14 to -3 d pre-
partum. The samples were centrifuged, the serum was pipetted off, and it
was frozen until after the trial, when NEFA assays were conducted using
a HR Series NEFA-HR kit from Wako Diagnostics (Mountain View, CA). To
determine treatment assignment, blood was collected at 4 DIM and tested
for BHB concentration using a Precision Extra Meter (Abbott
Laboratories, Chicago, IL), and if BHB was in the appropriate range (1.2
to 2.9mM/L) and the cows fit the other health criteria, they were
placed randomly into TRT or NTRT using the RAND function of Microsoft
It has been established that the highest incidence of
SCK is at about 5 DIM, certainly within the first 7 DIM, and that cows
within this time period with SCK even produce less milk during the first
30 DIM compared to cows experiencing SCK at 8 DIM or later [8].
Thus in our study, a second blood sample was taken at 11 DIM and BHB
concentration measured, as well as a BCS recorded. Any animal with a
BHB>1.2mM/L was treated with dextrose and PPG. If any animal's
appearance warranted a health check after treatment, blood was drawn and
checked for BHB concentrations, a BCS was taken, and if the BHB
concentration was >1.2mM/L BHB, the animal was treated with dextrose
and PPG regardless of the experimental group in which they were enrolled
at 4 DIM. If a cow was re-checked after 6 DIM (end of medication with
PPG) but before 11 DIM, the cow had a second BHB analysis and a BCS was
assigned at the time of the second bleeding, so they did not get scored
on 11 DIM. Animals were followed for 90 DIM for recording of daily milk
yield and health events, including mastitis, lameness, and displaced
abomasums. BCS was recorded at first breeding and reproduction data were
collected from Dairy Comp 305 (Valley Ag Software, Tulare, CA).
Expenses associated with treating subclinical ketosis
were obtained from the farm records and included labor, PPG, and
dextrose. The costs of the Precision Extra meter and test strips were
not included because every cow gets checked at 4 DIM, as per the on-farm
protocol. Labor cost was assumed at $13/h. The value of the increased
yield of milk was determined using the average price of milk over the
time the trial was conducted ($20/45 kg).
Minimum sample size was calculated and exceeded based
on previously reported data with BHB. Data were analyzed using the GLM
procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). Data were analyzed as a
randomized complete block design with repeated measures in time using
the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The selected
covariance structure of error was the first-order autoregressive [AR
(1)] structure. The FREQ procedure of SAS was used with the Chi-square
Fisher test for percentage data on reproduction and health events.
Significance was declared at P< 0.05 and trends at P < 0.10.
Pre-partum NEFA concentrations were similar between TRT and NTRT but lower for healthy cows (Table 1).
BCS pre- partum were 3.47 for healthy cows, 3.62 for TRT, and 3.59 for
NTRT, with BCS being lower for healthy cows than the other two groups
with SCK. BHB at 4 DIM was similar for TRT and NTRT but lower for
healthy cows, with a similar pattern at 11 DIM. BHB concentrations were
similar between TRT and NTRT at 4 DIM and 11 DIM. At 11 DIM, the
following number of cows had BHB > 1.2mM/L and thus was treated for
ketosis: 10, 20, and 23 for healthy, TRT, and NTRT, respectively. BCS at
11 DIM was similar for NTRT and healthy cows but was higher for TRT
cows. Milk yield was similar for healthy and TRT cows (42.7 and 42.1
kg/d, respectively), but milk yield was lower for NTRT cows (41.2 kg/d)
compared to healthy cows. There was a trend (P = 0.06) for milk yield to
be higher for TRT versus NTRT cows (42.1 vs 41.2 kg/d).

1Healthy= <1.2mM/L BHB, TRT = 1.2 to
2.9mM/L BHB received propylene glycol (PPG) and dextrose, and NTRT = 1.2
to 2.9mM/L BHB but no PpG and dextrose at 4 DIM.
2Based on 1 (thin) to 5 (fat) scale.
abMeans in the same row differ (P < 0.05)
cdMeans in the same row tended to differ (P = 0.06)
Through the first 2 services, there were no
differences in conception rate across groups, but the healthy cows had a
higher conception rate at the third service when compared to TRT and
NTRT cows (41.8 vs 24.1 and 35.0%, respectively; Table 2).
There were no differences among healthy and SCK groups for services per
conception. Through 90 DIM, there were no differences among groups in
incidence of mastitis, metritis, lameness, or culling. There were,
however, more displaced abomasums (DA) in TRT and NTRT (20.7 and 11.7%,
respectively) than in the healthy cows, where there were no DA recorded (Table 2).

1Healthy= <1.2mM/L BHB, TRT = 1.2 to
2.9mM/L BHB received propylene glycol (PPG) and dextrose, and NTRT =1.2
to 2.9mM/L BHB but no PPG and dextrose at 4 DIM.
abMeans in the same row differ (P<0.05)
The increased milk production from TRT versus NTRT
equals $0.40/d ($20/45kg for milk price). Since it cost the farm $5.90
to treat each case of subclinical ketosis (Table 3),
the increased milk production would have to be sustained for 15 days to
cover the cost of treatment. The increased milk yield was an average
over 90 DIM, so the return over cost of treating subclinical ketosis was
$30/cow for this period (TRT produced 81 kg more milk than NTRT).

1Assumed 40 and 10 doses could be administered per hour based on time required at the dairy farm used in the study
2Assumed 0.9 kg/d increased milk yield for 90 d (Table 1)
and $20/45 kg for milk price. Number of cows treated for ketosis at 11
DIM was not considered in this calculation since 34 to 38% of cows on
TRT and NTRT were treated at this time.
It has been shown previously that elevated blood NEFA
concentrations in close-up cows are positively correlated with
postpartum metabolic disorders, such as ketosis and DA [9].
Elevated pre-partum NEFA concentrations also are associated with less
milk production and decreased reproductive performance [9, 10]. The
results from the NEFA in our study were consistent with previous
research as the two groups with increased BHB concentrations at 4 DIM
both had increased NEFA concentrations pre-partum in comparison to
healthy cows. The blood BHB concentrations of TRT and NTRT were similar
at 4 DIM, which is what we expected, and the healthy cows had lower BHB
concentrations. At 11 DIM, the 2 groups that started out with SCK still
had similar concentrations of BHB and were decreased in comparison to 4
However, the BHB concentrations at 11 DIM were still,
on average, in the subclinical range, although the standard error was
greater than at 4 DIM, suggesting a greater variation in concentrations
at 11 DIM. These values still being above 1.2mM/L begs the question of
whether this treatment was as effective as we desired. In the study by
McArt et al. [10],
the subclinical cows were given PPG until they had BHB concentrations
below 1.2mM/L and was not restricted to just 3 d as in our study
However, continual monitoring of BHB is both an analytical and labor
cost to the farmer.
The increased BCS at 11 DIM for TRT, about a tenth
point greater, was as expected in comparison to NTRT, given that TRT
were likely in a less negative energy balance by receiving the dextrose
and PPG. Healthy animals had a BCS that was similar to NTRT at 11 DIM,
and this is possibly because they started out with a lower BCS, and
therefore, were less predisposed to ketosis and also probably lost less
condition. The lower milk yield for NTRT compared to healthy cows was as
expected, concurrent with previous research whereby SCK cows produced
less milk [1].
One possible explanation for this is NTRT cows likely consumed less DM
while they were SCK, which would result in less nutrients available for
milk synthesis, even though they likely mobilized more adipose tissue in
an attempt to support that milk yield.
This decreased milk yield was consistent throughout
the first 13wk of lactation. With the trend for milk yield for TRT cows
to be higher than for NTRT, this could have large economic implications,
especially on large farms as used in this study. The gain in milk yield
returned $30/cow for the 90d period, showing economic benefit to treat
cows with SCK. Although energy balance and milk yield appeared to favor
TRT in comparison to NTRT, services per conception were similar, which
may have occurred because SCK is less likely to impact reproduction
efficiency than clinical ketosis. Other considerations are, at the time
the data were examined, not all the animals in all the groups had been
confirmed pregnant and additional animals would be needed to provide
sufficient sample size to determine differences in reproductive
performance. Evidence exists that animals with an elevated blood BHB
concentration in the first 3wk post-partum are less likely to become
pregnant after their first insemination [11].
The net return associated with medication and labor
was favorable for the monitoring and treatment of SCK based on the
protocol used in this study. Other protocols also should be evaluated
for cost effectiveness. In addition, it must be considered that SCK is a
risk factor for occurrence of other diseases among periparturient dairy
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