
Showing posts from February, 2020

Juniper Publishers: The New Applications of Trans-Perineal Ultrasound ...

Juniper Publishers: The New Applications of Trans-Perineal Ultrasound ... : Journal of Case Studies - Juniper Publishers Mini Review The Improvement of spatial resolution of new ultrasound machines were ena...

Juniper Publishers: Live Taenia Worms in the Appendix: A Case Report-J...

Juniper Publishers: Live Taenia Worms in the Appendix: A Case Report-J... : Journal of Surgery - Juniper Publishers Abstract Taenia saginata  is a zoonotic cestode causing  taeniasis. Taeniasis  refers to th...

The Ethogram: Quantifying the Behavioral Picture and Justifying the Severity of Diseases-Juniper Publishers

Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers     Introduction Ethogram is an expression of behavior in an objective rather than subjective way [ 1 , 2 ]. The digital value for a prepared ethogram is considered acute edge for different forms of a specific disease (from per-acuteness to chronicity). This opinion is focusing on the necessity of preparing an ethogram for the behavior of animal and birds in health (e.g. comfort behaviors) and diseases [ 2 ]. We will emphasize the customized ethogram in experimentally-induced infected animal or natural diseases or affections. In addition, ethogram can be used in detection of different forms of abnormal behaviors such as stereo types [ 3 ]. Many reports referredto several diseasesthat can be diagnosed by their behavioral picture e.g. Milk fever, Nymphomania [ 4 ]. We characterized the range of observed behaviors. The best way to generalize is to summarize the average of beha...

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N...

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N... : Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health - Juniper Publishers Abstract Objectives:  Are to compare the soft palate length (SPL), widt...

Identification of Bovine Mastitis Associated Pathogens by Multiplex PCR-Juniper Publishers

Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers   Introduction Healthy udder of milking cows is one of the most important factors of successful breeding from the health as well as economic point of view. Mastitis is defined as an inflammation of the parenchyma of mammary gland, which not only reduces milk yield but alters milk composition [ 1 ] also. It is one of the most problematic diseases and continues to have a major economic impact on the dairy industry throughout the world [ 2 ]. It is a devastating disease haunting the dairy industry leading to reservoir of infection for human beings and the economic losses due to high morbidity, discarded milk, reduced milk production and increased antimicrobial resistance of the organisms in animals treated with antibiotics [ 3 ]. The genome sequences of many of the major mastitis causing pathogens are now available and can be utilized to develop nucleic acid-based test...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto... : Journal of Biotechnology & Microbiology - Juniper Publishers Abstract The CellROX® Deep Red flow cytometry kit (Life technologi...

Determining the Cost-Effectiveness of Treating Dairy Cows with Subclinical Ketosis during the First Week of Lactation-Juniper Publishers

Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers   Introduction Ketosis is a major metabolic disorder of dairy cattle in the United States, affecting an estimated 40% of all lactations in the industry, between clinical and subclinical cases [ 1 ]. Clinical ketosis is characterized by high levels of ketones in the blood and is manifested by lethargy and anorexia in the peri-partum dairy cow [ 2 ]. Subclinical ketosis (SCK) requires a blood, milk, or urine test to diagnose. Even though it is not outwardly noticeable, it is still estimated to cost the farmer $289/case due to both the direct and indirect costs, especially with the loss in milk yield [ 3 ]. It has been shown that ketosis and negative energy balance have negative consequences on reproduction and immune function [ 4 ]. Subclinical ketosis is often defined as blood BHB concentrations of >1.2mM/L and < 3.0 mM/L [ 1 ]. McArt et al. [ 5 ] showed that PPG h...

Juniper Publishers: The Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of ...

Juniper Publishers: The Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of ... : Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy - Juniper Publishers Opinion Congenital heart failure (HF) is one of the most po...

A Review on Phytochemicals (Including Essential Oils and Extracts) Inclusion in Feed and Their Effects on Food Producing Animals-Juniper Publishers

Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers   Introduction Essential oils are aromatic hydrophobic liquids extracted commonly by hydro distillation from a diverse number of plant parts; this includes but is not limited to flowers, buds, seeds, leaves, twigs, bark, wood, fruits, receptacles and roots [ 1 ]. Specific compounds of interest can be obtained from processing plant tissue and using separation techniques. However this approach is expensive, significant amounts of plant material are needed (unfavorable for exotic plant species), and reduced yields are usually obtained. Hence, when on high demand, or the desired compound is identified and isolated, it can be synthetically manufactured. These oils often contain diverse families of compounds which convert them in complex chemical mixtures [ 2 ]. Other biochemically active groups of compounds (e.g. polyphenols, glycosides) are usually extracted directly from the plant t...